Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The end to the project, but not the passion

In the end of my passion project Taylor and I were able to accomplish the blankets we set out to make, and learn more about Africa which is what we wanted to do! Taylor and I ran into multiple setbacks but we got a different aspect accomplished than we thought we would which was not necessarily a bad thing, it was an awesome thing! Getting to interview people about a country that we absolutely love was so so awesome! In my opinion overall I think it was successful in that sense.

The biggest mistake I personally made in this project was two things: First, with the blankets- I realized something about myself: I am driven to work hard for things I care about, and when a time is set on that I am so determined to get that done. While making the blankets I experienced this. We tied 8 blankets in 45 minutes and zoomed through at a crazy speed. Now this can be positive, but in the midst of working so hard.... I forgot what I was doing and why I was doing it. The second mistake I made was in the Africa project. We kind of got stuck half way through when we didn't find what we wanted to and for a while it was easy to get sidetracked on a Friday afternoon. These are mistakes I can personally learn from though and I really enjoyed this project.